Sunday, 23 April 2017

eTwinning in 140

     Etwinning is an experience that it is a pity to miss and a blessing to live.
       It gives to the teaching learning experience another dimension. Teaching and learning never stops and is never kept into the classroom. The teaching and learning is happening all the time everywhere. 
      It also gives a sense to all the efforts that both teachers and students are putting into their tasks to be heard and known via their creative ideas, personal voices and individual  touches. An experience that both are living ,enjoying and gaining recognition  out of it locally and globally.
      It’s also an opportunity for both partners, i.e educators  and their students, to go beyond their used- to- be-thought abilities and discover others that they’ve   never known they have.
      Etwinning is offering the floor for everyone to try and grow globally.


  1. I agree with every single word you said Anissa. Glad we are together in #etwinning learning & sharing journey ;)

  2. Same here, Hayfa. Thank you so much.
